Group exhibition, Uncertain States, 2016, Akademie der Künste, Berlin, Germany

Group exhibition, Changing Circumstances, 2016, Fotofest 2016, Houston Biennial, Houston, USA,

Installation view, group exhibition, Big Bang Data, Travelling Exhibition: Madrid Fundación Telefónica, Buenos Aires Espacio Fundación de Buenos Aires, Somerset House London, Espacio Fundación Telefónica Santiago de Chile, Art Science Museum Singapore, Espació Fundación Telefónica Lima- Currently: Centro de Cultura Digital Mexico City Next: Centre for Contemporary Art Prague

Big Bang Data, Travelling Exhibition 2014-2016, Madrid, Buenos Aires, London, Santiago de Chile, detail

Permanent installation, GEO COSMOS, since 2011, National Museum of Emerging Sciences and Innovation, Tokyo, Japan
Luminescence device: Organic LED (10,362 square panels (96 mm)), diameter 6 meters (approx. 1/2 millionth the size of the Earth), 10 million pixels and over

Permanent installation, WORLD PROCESSOR,since 2011, VW-Autostadt, Piazza of the Autostadt’sGroupForum
The Exosphere -an aluminium grid globe- has a diameter of 12 metres and weighs 4.5 tons. It’s scale in relation to earth is 1:1 million and, in accordance with the tilt of our planet’s rotational axis, floats at an angle of 23.45°

TIMES ZONES / CONFLICTS Time is wrapped according to local and international politics as well as cultural factors. Disagreements result.

SUBMARINE FIBEROPTIC NETWORK Line width equals transmission capacity. 80% of all international information traffic is transmitted via deep sea cables

TIMES ZONES / CONFLICTS Time is wrapped according to local and international politics as well as cultural factors. Disagreements result.